Hey, I'm


About Me

I’m a well-rounded, highly driven, and self-motivated individual with a successful computer science academic background, relevant internship experience, and a portfolio of unique projects which showcase many individual skills. I love structure, organization, and problem solving by thinking abstractly. I’m very resourceful and analytical, and I use these attributes to always strive for perfection in my work. In team settings, I communicate clearly and straightforward to make sure we excel as one.

Outside of my professional life, I love technology, graphic design, and photography.



  • C++
  • C
  • C#
  • HTML(5)
  • CSS(3)
  • Java
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Javascript
  • React.js
  • Meteor.js
  • Python(3.7)
  • Pandas
  • Bash
  • MongoDB
  • Phaser


  • Git Command Line
  • Github Desktop
  • Unity Game Engine
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • UML
  • Scrapy Framework
  • Bootstrap Web Framework
  • Command Line Interface
  • JDBC
  • VirtualBox
  • Surge

Operating Systems

  • macOS / OS X
  • Windows 10
  • Fedora Workstation
  • centOS 8 Minimal

Industry Knowledge

  • Agile Methodologies
  • Scrum Methodologies
  • Responsive Web Design


Work Experience

University of California, Riverside
July 2019 - September 2019
Full-time - Research Assistant

Over the summer of 2019, I worked alongside Professor Chengyu Song on his research for computer security. In assisting his research, I created a wrapper from scratch in C to increase the efficiency of compiling configuration scripts in assembly and binary files. I analyzed assembly code and their related binaries using a script pre-written in Python in order to identify any labels with missing addresses. While working under Professor Song, we made use of the Agile methodology.

Riverside, CA
Turning Point
February 2015 - May 2015
Remote Internship

Over 4 months, I worked remotely at Turning Point and learned many useful skills for web development. I learned to convert Photoshop PDF templates into functional web pages using HTML and CSS for front-end development. Utilizing the built-in tools in Photoshop CC, I analyzed different elements of the templates for conversion. Additionally, I learned responsive design in order to optimize these web pages for mobile viewing on smartphones and smart tablets.

London, England


University of California, Riverside
Bachelors of Science, Computer Science - June 2020

UCR allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone and learn multiple new skills and techniques while challenging myself at an intellectual level. The classes I took here with some of the best professors I’ve had taught me invaluable professional and personal skills that I carry with me to this day. During my time at UCR, I was an active attendee at the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) chapter which helped me with professional development. I participated in two hackathons: Rose Hack, a 24-hour female-centric hackathon; and Citrus Hack, UCR’s flagship 48-hour hackathon. These hackathons exposed me to new languages, tools, and industry knowledge and required me to learn them during a short period of time, allowing me to work well under pressure. During Rose Hack 2019, my team and I won the “Best Women-centric Hack” award.


Dead Knight

March 2020 - June 2020

Dead Knight is a single-player, 2D sidescroller PC game created using the Unity game engine in 10 weeks. The player controls the titular Dead Knight character through a level featuring various enemies and hazards in order to collect three keys scattered throughout the level. Once these keys have been obtained, the player can enter the main dungeon to face the boss.

To make Dead Knight, my teammates and I created the animation assets and environmental assets using both Adobe Photoshop CC and Piskel, an online sprite editor. We then integrated these assets into Unity and programmed the different character behavior, object interaction, environmental interaction, and game logic using various C# scripts. We worked on this project remotely using the Scrum methodology, and integrated our work together using both Git Command Line Tools and Github Desktop.

Project Demo

Presidental Data Analysis

February 2020 - March 2020

The Presidential Data Analysis project is a Jupyter Notebook my teammates and I created to analyze President Donald Trump’s approval rating and the then-ongoing Democratic Candidate Race. Using the data collected, we answered two questions after our analysis. The first question is if the impeachment negatively affected President Trump’s approval rating, and the second is if COVID-19 impacted the Democratic Candidate Race. This project helped me understand and analyze correlations with different datasets and introduced me to powerful tools to retrieve and analyze data.

My teammates and I used Scrapy to perform web-scraping on multiple datasets, and made an additional Python script to clean the data that was scraped. We utilized Pandas to perform EDA on the cleaned data in order to draw our conclusion and illustrate our findings. These findings are presented in an organized Jupyter Notebook.

Project Repository

Hotel Database

November 2019 - December 2019

The Hotel Database Management System is a database system created in 3 weeks. This system tracks different information about different hotels such as the rooms they own, the maintenance of the rooms, the managers they employ, the bookings their customers make, and information about customers that the hotel services. Creating this database educated me on the inner-workings of a database and how it is managed in a real-world application.

The system was initially designed with an ER diagram to show the different entities and relationships. Once this diagram was created, we implemented the client application using JDBC, which prompts the user to select a specific option based on the options above. The specific option which is selected is performed using a PostgreSQL query which is integrated into the client application. These queries were then stored into a data structure which allowed the client application to execute them.

Project Repository

Snake Game

May 2019 - June 2019

This 2D snake game was created in 4 weeks with both hardware and software. The premise of the game remains the same: the player controls a snake to eat food and grow the snake longer while avoiding obstacles such as the walls of the screen and the long snake tail. Creating this game educated me on the communication between software and hardware first hand.

The game runs on an ATmega1284 microcontroller using a Nokia 5110 LED screen for displaying the game and a SNES controller to play the game. The game logic and communication between software and hardware was coded in C using Atmel Studio.

Project Repository Project Demo

Rosie the Rescuer

January 2019

Rosie the Rescuer is a web-based 2D coin collecting game created during Rose Hack 2019. In 24 hours, my teammates and I were introduced to new tools during the hackathon and learned them on-the-spot to create our project. As a result, our project is the recipient of the “Best Woman-Centric Hack” award.

To create Rosie the Rescuer, we utilized HTML5 and CSS3 for front-end web development, and Javascript and Phaser for back-end development. The game sprites were created using Adobe Photoshop CC, and the webpage was deployed using Surge command line tools to a live domain for immediate testing.



October 2018 - December 2018

Rshell is a terminal made in 8 weeks. Similar to the bash shell, this is a basic terminal that supports commands such as cd, ls, and cat; connectors such as && and II (double pipe) to execute multiple commands on a single line; input/output redirection; and piping. This project gave me many insights into the inner workings of the Unix shell that I use on a daily basis.

Rshell was created entirely using C++. It utilizes the composite design pattern and the strategy design pattern, and made use of the Agile methodology.

Project Repository


The best way to reach me is by connecting with me on LinkedIn or by email.

Additionally, check out my portfolio on GitHub, Dribbble, or Unsplash and send me a private message. While there, I appreciate if I recieve any likes on my work :)